We experience a fascination for learning, abstract or strategic thinking on a small or large scale every day, without even consciously perceiving or even appreciating it.
It's actually a pity, because aren't these insights and experiences exactly what makes us who we are?
Give them space, and we'll give you the tools:
Peter Mertz
Peter Mertz
We experience a fascination for learning, abstract or strategic thinking on a small or large scale every day, without even consciously perceiving or even appreciating it.
It's actually a pity, because aren't these insights and experiences exactly what makes us who we are?
Give them space, and we'll give you the tools:
Writing utensils and notebooks are where the aesthetics & functionality release creativity.
We encourage unlimited play with design classics by Peer Clahsen and Alma Siedhoff-Buscher, in the style of art education, produced to perfection by Kurt Naef.
Good and consistent from the very beginning: Educational toys from the Fröbel pedagogy's laboratory of ideas are an indispensable part of the Edu Toys, which have long since established themselves worldwide not only in kindergartens and children's rooms, but also have a firm place among collectors in design exhibitions and museums.
For showcases and "only as a design object" that's not too bad, right?
Bausteine gehören heute zur Ausstattung vieler Kindergärten.
Thanks to Friedrich Fröbel's work, Germany has been an important pioneer of the idea of learning through play, but only the playful Japanese have been scientifically researching EDU -TOY for generations.
The connection between learning and playing has had little importance in my so-called apprenticeship years, but as an artist one knows very well how playful a process has to be in order to enable useful solutions.
Music wouldn't be conceivable without word play. Aging researchers have recognized that making music up until old age is an effective form of brain training and it is time to make the various cross-connections better known. Whether with sporty games, or the popular Sodoku, whether with house music, or in model construction workshops, there's an element of productive play everywhere.
Dass sich der natürliche Spieltrieb des Menschen auch zu jeder Art von Manipulation eignet, zeigt die Wehrlosigkeit unserer Kinder gegenüber immer raffinierteren Computerspielen oder der Spielsüchtige in der Privatinsolvens.
Zeit dem sinnvollen Spiel bei Formost einen Platz zu widmen.